Legal assistance and advice are vital for the smooth running of an enterprise. They can help avoid any mistakes and ensure the company’s integrity. They also provide guidance on how to resolve any litigation or legal issues. Working with a lawyer who can provide the right advice quickly is the best way to obtain legal assistance.

It is not always simple to obtain legal assistance. Many people are unable to afford an attorney, and some may not have access to free legal assistance. There are other options. Some organizations provide online resources and help. Some organizations connect small firms to attorneys at a cost. Some of these platforms provide webinars and other resources that are available for download. A more recent option is a subscription program, where customers pay a per-month fee to gain access to legal experts to seek assistance.

Some states and jurisdictions have explicitly adopted a policy guideline that makes this distinction between legal information and legal advice (or use a training course which does this). In certain instances, a distinction has been created to separate « ex-ante » advice (obtained in the event of a potential or actual lawsuit is pending) from « ex-post » advice (« obtained after a person has done something or has been hurt »).

Paralegals are frequently involved in providing advice, especially nonlawyers. In England for instance, the majority of active advice providers are nonlawyers. Nonlawyers work in accounting firms as well as advice bureaus, which are the main advisors. These types of activities are problematic from an ethical standpoint because they subvert laws by helping people hide assets and reducing the risk of sanctions.

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