Virtual meeting

Governance Online meetings can take on a variety of forms, but the most important thing to have successful governance meetings is that participants can communicate with one another the same manner as have if they were meeting in person. This means sharing screens with video and voice calling and allowing for instant answers to questions. This means that anyone could be forced to leave a meeting at any time, if disruptive or inappropriate. They must also be informed via email immediately, with a written record.

The the presiding officer, also known as the chair of the meeting, should keep the meeting on schedule. A good governance meeting should have an exact agenda and time limits for each item. This will ensure that statutory governance standards are adhered as well, and if an external entity is reviewing the governance session, they might be looking for evidence.

Ideally, governance meetings should be scheduled every week, but this isn’t always practical for all teams. It is suggested to schedule the initial few meetings close together (especially when you’re just starting out with Roles) However, you should you can plan to have fewer meetings as your team becomes accustomed to working in Roles.

It is also helpful to hold short check in calls between governance meetings. This helps keep the team together, and allow people the chance to resolve their concerns or ask questions. It’s also a great way to build relationships between the leadership team at the top.

Catégories : Non classé

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